Monday, August 18, 2014

Credit Card Tips And Tricks To Stay Safe

By Johnathan Black

There are many different kinds of credit cards available to consumers. You've probably seen plenty of advertising for cards with a variety of perks, like airline miles or cash back. You should also know that there's a lot of fine print to go with these perks. You're probably not sure which credit card is right for you. This article can help take the guesswork out of picking a credit card.

To make the best decision regarding the best credit card for you, compare what the interest rate is amongst several credit card options. If a card has a high interest rate, it means that you will pay a higher interest expense on your card's unpaid balance, which can be a real burden on your wallet.

Avoid being the victim of credit card fraud by keeping your credit card safe at all times. Pay special attention to your card when you are using it at a store. Double check to make sure you have returned your card to your wallet or purse, when the purchase is finished.

Emergency, business or travel purposes, is all that a credit card should really be used for. You want to keep credit open for the times when you need it most, not when purchasing luxury items. You never know when an emergency will crop up, so it is best that you are prepared.

If you have several credit cards with balances on each, consider transferring all of your balances to one, lower-interest credit card. Almost everyone gets mail from various banks offering low or even zero balance credit cards if you transfer your current balances. These lower interest rates usually last for 6 months or a year. You can save a lot of interest and have one lower payment each month!

Pay off as much of your balance as you can each month. The more you owe the credit card company each month, the more you will pay in interest. If you pay even a small amount in addition to the minimum payment each month, you can save yourself a great deal of interest each year.

Read all correspondence from your credit card company and other financial institutions right away. Credit card companies can add or change fees, interest rates, and annual fees if they provide you with a written notice of such changes. You have the right to cancel a credit card if you disagree with any changes.

As stated previously, you really have no choice but to be a smart consumer who does his or her homework in this economy. Everything just seems so unpredictable and precarious that the slightest change could topple any person's financial world. Hopefully, this article has you on the right path in terms of using credit cards the right way!

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