Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Discover How Sash Window Restoration Can Increase The Sale Value Of Your Property

By Grazina Mazur

Home restoration is a viable alternative to window replacement. In fact, a lot of people choose this option when they want to preserve the original style of their home. Repairing your sash timber windows not only improves heat retention. It also helps you cut down on utility bills. This article shows you how sash window restoration can increase the sale value of your property.

Antique homes are undoubtedly beautiful and unique, but they lack the modern comforts of newly constructed houses. Wooden sash windows, which are commonly seen in older houses, are infamous for being drafty and full of jangles. Hanging a heavy curtain only solves the problem temporarily. They actually let in very little sunlight, which can lead to higher costs in lighting.

Weather-proofing these windows may solve the problem of poor insulation. Wooden windows are surprisingly efficient in retaining heat when they are fitted with specialized windows. Some glazing methods increase the capacity of windows to maintain a comfortable temperature inside a room. Toughened glass, as well as security and acoustic window panes are also recommended for their resistance to rain and snow. A lot of homeowners have found weather-proofing effective in reducing fuel costs.

Double-glazed screens cost more than regular ones but are definitely worth the investment. They are easier to use than older sash timber windows and are also more resistant to heat. In the long run, you end up saving more. Buyers of new homes are always looking for energy-efficient features. In addition to being environmentally friendly, these homes are also less costly to maintain.

Wooden frames would not survive for decades if they are not durable. However, they would reach a point when they seem to be beyond repair. Wood can deteriorate with habitual exposure to water and other harsh elements. Do not worry as the options are endless when it comes to sash replacement. You can even purchase a more modern vinyl-clad double pane window to replace your old one.

Modern windows have an advantage over those timber ones when it comes to durability and insulation. Still, they lack the old-fashioned appeal of wood. Luckily, homeowners need not remove the whole window when replacing its sashes. Some sash replacements are manufactured to look antiquated to match the design of their original frame.

By keeping the original style of the windows, you preserve the homes architectural style. Historical preservation may be a concern for some buyers, which is why it is necessary to stay true the original architectural style of the house. This should be easy to do, as there are hundreds of sash restoration options available.

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