Monday, July 21, 2014

Some Beginner Woodworking Projects Can Take You Into A New Hobby

By Paulette Mason

You have seen some of the very nice pieces of furniture and decorative items many people have in their homes. You have admired them and asked questions about where the home owner got them. They may tell you that these are one of a kind pieces that they made and you may or may not believe them. Then you find out the person started out by doing beginner woodworking projects that grew from there.

The need for satisfaction in creating something you can use, or even sell, can be undertaken in a home shop. This can be set up in a garage, basement or a shed. This will actually constitute the first project as a place must be cleaned and shelves or work tables need to be set up. Remember that all of this creativity comes, largely, from your imagination and ingenuity.

Making a good first project will begin the process of satisfying your need to create something. That first one should probably be a tool box. Just a simple rectangular box made from scrap wood. The size does not really matter as long as your little tools fit in and it looks like it is a finished piece.

A basic table can be a good beginning project. These are needed in many rooms of the house and can be traded or sold to other people. The finished surface, whether varnished, stained or even painted can be a beautiful addition and so simple to make. This project will help make the next one a success as well.

Selecting wood is one of the main things to learn. There are many species of fiber to use and all of them will give something different to the project. The color or tone of the wood will look better in some rooms or for some projects than others. The grain is something to consider when working with wood. Some have coarse grains and others are very fine and cut and sand well.

The tools you need for these projects can also expose you to many that you have not seen before. A lot of hobbyists, even professionals doing this work for others, will use non electric tools. The hand awls, saws and hand cranked drills are just as good as they ever were. There are home wood working television shows and YouTube videos that support the use of these old fashioned items of craftsmen.

Powered tools are the modern approach to this hobby which can become more than that. Drill presses, circular saws as well as various hand drills, sanders and routers will make quick work of any project. The problem here, of course, is the chance that these tools can get away from you.

One of the very good ideas for these projects is to have the proper plans for each item you wish to make. Trial and error is fine if you want to get frustrated quickly. The satisfying way of pursuing this hobby or side business is to have plans that are designed for the beginner.

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