Monday, March 24, 2014

Healthy Air Tips Offered By Stuart FL Air Conditioning & Heating Service For Homes And Offices

By Donna Beley

When they hear the term air pollution, most individuals think of smog and other outdoor problems. However, the atmosphere inside your home or office may be more polluted than that found outside the home. A Stuart air conditioning & heating service offers the following tips for easier breathing.

Start with the floors. Carpets as well as other types of flooring trap chemicals and allergens tracked into the home. Unfortunately, most vacuums just stir up the pollution. Choose a unit that offers a HEPA filter to trap these chemicals inside the vacuum. Be sure you clean the corners, edges and walls. Upholstery can also serve as a trap.

The humidity in a home should be in the 30-50% range. This helps to reduce the growth of mold and dust mites. If you live in a humid area, your HVAC system may need the boost of a dehumidifier. If your home has a basement, work to keep the humidity level within the recommended range. Use exhaust fans when cooking or showering.

If you smoke, stop. At the very least move outside when you light up. Second hand smoke is full of pollutants, including carcinogens. Free programs are available to help individual who have not been successful at stopping smoking.

Test your home for radon. This colorless, odorless gas is radioactive. It increases the risk that one will suffer from conditions, including lung cancer. Homes equipped with granite counter tops are more likely to have elevated radon content.

Change the filters in your HVAC system regularly. These filters can trap dust, pollen, mold spores and pet dander. In homes where indoor pollution is particularly heavy, filters should be changed monthly. In other homes, once every three months may be sufficient. In addition, you should have the system serviced and tested for potential carbon monoxide leaks at least once every year. Keeping the system operating at top efficiency ensures the atmosphere in a home is more free of potential pollutants.

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