Sunday, January 5, 2014

3 False Thoughts About Wealth That Are Preventing You From Being Rich

By Alex Blouck

When was the last time that you took an insightful look at your attitude towards wealth? It is quite possible that you are not fully living up to your potential in this world thanks to a misguided or faulty perception of wealth and money. If you feel that being truly wealthy is somehow bad or undesirable deep down inside, these thoughts could be holding you back from being very rich and a happier human being.

We are all brought up in a society where we are taught many different things concerning money and wealth. Your parents, teachers and society didn't mean to warp your mind or harm you but there are several thoughts that most of us feel are true without even thinking about it. These teachings might be somewhat true but they are taken a bit out of context.

The thought that in order to accumulate wealth you must be wealthy is a bit of a fallacy. You might really feel that it's only those who have money that can make real wealth in this world. You have social proof of this. You see the newspapers and you read about those who have celebrity status due to their wealth who are embarking on another giant venture or building a skyscraper with their name on it. It's easy for them. The have money. The make more money with that money. The risk is only a very small portion of their entire wealth so it's simple for them and it makes you sick to your stomach.

While it might be true that it's easier to invest large sums of money and lose large sums and still survive for the world's wealthiest individuals, everybody had to start somewhere. Most of the world's most successful people started with nothing or lost everything and had to rebuild their empire a time or two. Belief, desire and a dream were their leverage and it can be the same for you if. It is often their thoughts or vision that make them their wealth and not simply investing in the right stocks or businesses.

You might also be under the assumption that in order for you to have money, another person has to give up money. This called zero sum. Like in a game, in order for you to win someone else must lose. Someone else must become poor in order for you to become wealthy. Now, you probably have a pretty big heart. You care about people. You would feel terrible if you knew that another human being had to give up something or become just a little bit poorer because you wanted to be rich. This thought makes you feel terrible and you might resist the desire to become wealthy because of it.

Honestly, true wealth comes not from taking but from giving. Riches and money come from helping others and solving the world's problems. Out there is a problem that needs to be solved and if you can make someones life easier, they will be willing to part with large sums of money quite gladly. If you can make someones life less painful or difficult they will be happy to exchange money so they don't have to continue living with this pain. An example might be a calculator or a computer. A dishwasher and garbage disposal are a couple of other ideas that made life easier for housewives. When you help people you aren't taking anything away from them. You are adding value to their life and they will be grateful to you.

The last lie that we have all been told is that money is the root of all evil. Most of us have heard this and been taught it since we were children. You might even despise wealthy people and their apparent greediness. In your mind you might even worry that you will lose your friends and family if you were to become rich. You worry that you'd change and become arrogant or that people will become jealous and despise you because of how much money you have.

While it might be true that there are people who are filled with greed, this doesn't mean that you have to become one of them. The majority of the world's richest people are able to do great things for humanity thanks to their riches. In addition, there is nothing saying that you are going to become overwhelmed with evil just because you become wealth. In fact, you might find that you are more kind and considerate of others. You are able to care for your family and friends in the manner that you have dreamed of. You are able to donate to charities that you believe in. Overall, this change very well might be for the better and not worse. It is greed and loving money more than people that will bring about evil in men's hearts.

Fear and negative thoughts about wealth can hold you where you are right now. You can change how you feel and what you believe about yourself and your ability to create wealth with very little effort. Understanding that these thoughts and feelings are there is a good step in the right direction. Taking some time to work through these thoughts and realizing that something is wrong is simple yet hard work. Relearning about wealth and making yourself believe that being wealthy is a positive thing in your life and also a positive thing for your family, friends and the entire world is a necessity. Who knows. You very well might be the person that solves the problem known as cancer. You might find great wealth and invest some of that wealth in agriculture and you might be responsible for coming up with a crop that can grow anywhere and thus solve famine and starvation in the world. The world is your oyster and if you have a desire to help others, wealth will surely come your way.

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