Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Some Advantages To Vehicle Leasing

By Richard Thomlinson

There are many people who prefer vehicle leasing as an alternative to vehicle ownership. While some people find this idea to have little appeal upon first hearing about it, there are actually many benefits leasing can have.

Depreciating Value

One unfortunate fact is that vehicles depreciate as time goes on. When buying a car, you essentially acquire a losing investment. The chances of making back your purchase price when you sell it are practically zero. When you also factor in the amount you have spent on maintenance and repairs over the years, it becomes unlikely that you will even get near the amount you put into it. Leasing eliminates this hassle since you only make monthly payments as long as you use it and are not left with a balance.

Smaller Payments

Monthly payments on a lease are almost always less expensive than monthly payments for owning a car. One major factor in this is that sales tax is much lower, since you only pay the tax on the payments you make, not the whole value of the vehicle. Lower interest on leased vehicles is often another factor. But the biggest reason is simply that breaking the cost of a new car into thirty six monthly payments, the average length of a car loan, is almost always just going to be more expensive than the monthly price asked for in a lease.

Safety Standards

Imagine how much it would cost to buy a new car every couple years to make sure to keep up with the latest safety technology. Also imagine making sure that every time you bought one of these cars you made sure to get an extended warranty so that you would be completely covered in case of problems. This would be very pricey. Leasing gives you all this automatically, as a leased car always comes with a warranty and it is entirely expected to swap out cars every few years.

There are a great deal of people who would rather use car leasing than own. The option has many good points and can generally save you some money.

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