Saturday, October 1, 2011

Advertising The Good The Bad And The Ugly

By: George Robinson
Below we are going to cover just a few of the many ways people can advertise their online or offline businesses. Not only are doing to explain to you what types of advertising are the best, we're also going to cover some forms of advertising that are not cost feasible or simply a waste of time.

I don't know about you but the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of advertising is TV and radio commercials. I have seen and heard both TV and radio ads promoting all sorts of different types of businesses, both online and offline businesses can be promoted using this venue. However, if you do not have deep pockets you may find that this form of advertising is not feasible for your business.

Something a lot of people don't think of when it comes to advertising their business is advertising in newspapers. Granted, newspapers do not have the same range as television or radio you'll find that newspaper advertising is extremely cost efficient and can really drive customers to your website or store. If you have a large advertising budget you could take out a quarter page ad in the newspapers, or if your budget is a little smaller you could start off with a simple and small classified ad.

If you have an online business you obviously have a website, however more and more offline businesses are also building websites in order to keep up in today's world. One of the best forms of advertising for any website is search engine marketing. This is the tedious process of optimizing your web page and building links from other web pages that point to your site. The goal of course is to have your website appear in the search engine results when you're targeted key words are keyed in. Some people however, choose to use paid per click marketing. Which is where your ad will be shown and you'll need to pay a small fee each time your ad is clicked.

Well you may have heard people say any form of advertising is good advertising that is just not the case when it comes to traffic exchanges. A traffic exchange is when you look at someone else's web site and in turn someone else looks at your website. The problem with this form of advertising is that no one actually wants to see the other person's website they're just trying to get traffic to their own website which makes this a complete waste of time.


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