Saturday, October 1, 2011

Playing Cards and the Bible

By Willie Simpson

For those who want their home theatre to imitate the cinematic experience, a plasma TV wall mount is a good investment to save space and to give a great effect. A plasma TV wall mount is easy to install yourself, but if you prefer, you can hire a professional to do the job for you. The price of a typical plasma TV wall mount can range from $60 to $350, and it is a good idea to invest in the best plasma TV wall mount you can afford, since plasma TVs are quite delicate and you cannot risk having your plasma TV fall to the ground. However, most plasma TV wall mounts do the job sufficiently well. One of the cool things about having a TV that's only 4 inches deep is the ability to mount it right on the wall!

"The Ace reminds me that there is one God. The two and three remind me of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The four represents the four evangelists - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The five remind me of the five wise virgins who were ordered to trim their lamps. There were ten but five were wise and did as they were told and five were foolish."

"The six represented the time God took in creating the Earth and Heaven. The seven tells me that even the Lord took time for rest. The eight reminds me of the eight righteous people spared from the flood - Noah and his wife and his three sons and their wives. The nine reminds me of the ten lepers that sought healing. Only one returned to thank Jesus. Nine did not but went about telling everyone about what happened. The ten reminds of the Ten Commandments given to Moses."

It is possible to install your plasma TV wall mount on a concrete wall, although you will need a different type of plasma TV mount. Cement anchors are needed to keep you TV in place on a concrete surface, and you can also find long belts and other devices specially designed for concrete. As with any type of Plasma TV mount, ensure that your cement anchors are sturdy enough to hold a heavy unit.

When you install your plasma TV, you might not be certain about what height you want. If you have a typical, flat plasma TV wall mount, you will need to put your plasma TV at the correct height. However, many people like to have their plasma TV's a little higher. One reason is that, since plasma TV are so vulnerable to damage, those with children prefer to put their plasma TV as high up as possible to avoid stray balls from hitting the screen. If you want to put your plasma TV up high, you will need a special plasma TV wall mount that tilts so your set can face downward at an angle. You will also need a tilt plasma TV wall mount if your set is not completely flat, but has a gentle curve at the back.

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