Monday, June 19, 2017

Try Safe Holistic Medicine Remedies

By Shirley Lee

Holistic practitioners believe that restoring balance to body, mind, emotions, and spirit will bring people back to health. It is well known that the body can heal itself; our own immune system is our best protection from illness. Using holistic medicine remedies is both safe and effective.

To treat the 'whole person', practitioners will assess mind, body, and spirit. The approach can be very basic, like dietary changes or herbal teas, or more subtle, if amino acid therapy or emotional support is indicated. There are many traditional health aids and others discovered by modern research.

A person under extreme stress can be helped, for example, by a cup of chamomile tea or a soothing massage. If there is adrenal exhaustion, which can result from too much stress over a long period of time, a program of targeted supplements and good nutrition may be prescribed. GABA, an amino acid, can be very calming and do more to restore harmony than an anti-depressant.

Many alternative healers say that food is the best medicine. Arthritis sufferers may be able to avoid harmful anti-inflammatory painkilllers or steroids if they change their eating habits. Cutting out wheat and/or gluten as well as sugar and dairy can often relieve pain and swelling, and herbs like tumeric and curcumin might work even better than NSAIDS.

This approach eliminates the harmful side effects of many pharmaceuticals and is also good for any other ailments the person may suffer. They may find that their migraine headaches go away, too. Their ankles may stop swelling and they may regain their ideal weight.

There are certain herbs called adaptogens which can rebuild a weakened system. These plants are not mere stimulants, although they can act in this manner if the body needs it. Ginseng is one herb that helps men regain vitality, while eleuthero or Siberian ginseng is considered better for women. Ashwagandha is an Indian herb that can prevent the afternoon energy crash that affects office workers, but it also helps promote deeper, more restful sleep if taken at bedtime.

Emotional distress can negatively impact physical health. Fortunately, there are many natural remedies that offer gentle and effective help. Holy Basil is one herb used for mood, as is evening primrose oil. Flower remedies, a branch of homeopathic medicine, are great and totally safe. Star of Bethlehem helps with grieving, White chestnut with restless thoughts that can destroy serenity, and Aspen with general anxiety.

There are hundreds of helpful remedies, but you only need to find a few that work for you. The city near you will have holistic clinics, where medical doctors and alternative healing practitioners can advise and provide treatment. There is a centuries-long herbal record and many new ideas from modern research. Find the program that can restore you to health safely and quickly.

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