Saturday, February 4, 2017

Valuable Insights In To Austin Estate Planning

By Ruth Thompson

Estate planning is meant to help you achieve both your family and personal goals after you pass away. The practice ensures that your assets will end-up in the rightful hands of those people whom you wish them to go to, in order for you to attain both your financial and personal goals even after you die. You also can reduce the amount of taxes paid by Austin estate planning in the right way to ensure that your heirs receive a larger inheritance.

The number one mistake is not planning to avoid probate. Many people only have a will or nothing at all to direct the disposition of their estate. However, a will alone cannot avoid the expenses and time delays of the probate process for those with estates greater than $15,000. Even in the simplest situation the process requires a minimum of a year. If your family or financial situation is more complicated because of blended families or conflict among your children, the process can take much longer than that.

Appoint a guardian. You should designate a guardian for your young sons and daughters. If you won't do it, a judge will. He has the authority to appoint somebody who will take care of your children in case you die unexpectedly. Designating a guardian for your children can help to prevent your qualified close relatives from fighting and claiming over the right to become lawful guardian for your children. You also need to allocate a backup guardian as a precautionary measure just in case your first choice can't serve for any reason.

It is therefore very important to have a plan in place so that you can decide for yourself the best choices for your family, such as who will care for minor children, who will receive your property, and who will finalize your affairs.

Not choosing the best fiduciaries for your beneficiaries. Choosing the fiduciaries that can get along well with your beneficiaries is one of your best moves you can do to prevent the parties from future legal confrontations. They are supposed to be in good terms with one another. It is but logical to choose a fiduciary that your beneficiaries honor, respect and get along well with for your own peace of mind. You may need the expert advice of your lawyer to help you find the best trustee for your beneficiaries. Just be honest with him and things will work out fine.

You need to be open and honest to your lawyer about your plan. This will make things easier for him to construct, and make your plan work towards your intended goal. Do not withhold important information from him, such as a previous estate plan or plans that you intend to override with a new one. This will help to set things in their proper order, and avoid legal battles between your heirs.

This may result in family disagreements, assets going to the wrong people, and liability for estate taxes that could have been avoided. If you don't have a plan in place before you die, your assets and affairs can be tied up for months. It is therefore of the utmost importance to plan your will with care so that everything is handled properly (and according to your wishes) upon your death.

These are some of the most important steps you can take to make an effective estate plan. They can work for you.

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