Monday, September 5, 2016

Non Profit Recruitment Agencies And Strategies

By Betty Cooper

During a job search, it can often be hard to know where to look for different types of jobs. When it comes to looking for a position as a paid employee or volunteer for a non profit organization, non profit recruitment agencies can often be helpful. Some of these agencies include Non-Profit Staffing, Non-Profit Employment and Action Without Borders.

In most cases, hiring managers, recruitment specialists and those working in human resources are often the first face someone will see during the application process. While this is the case, small business owners and entrepreneurs often use websites like craigslist, and a number of online job boards. In doing so, these individuals often interview a number of people before making a final selection. Whereas, if having gone through a recruitment specialist, the time required to do so might have been cut in half.

While some companies only hire individuals directly, others list positions with local agencies. In some cases, these agencies will place individuals at companies on a temporary to perm basis. Whereas, in others, the agency will charge the employer a fee to hire the individual as a direct employee.

Those seeking work through a temporary agency can often find short-term and long-term temporary assignments. When desiring to learn more about a company before taking a full time position, temporary to permanent offerings can often be a good choice. Whereas, when looking for a full-time, benefited position from the start, candidates might want to contact a personnel agency which offers permanent and temporary employment options.

When interviewing at a consulting firm or as a contract employee, there are often different protocols. For, hiring managers in more advanced positions often confirm this information based on employment history. In most cases, education, skills and experience should go back at least ten years. Whereas, there are some instances in which work history need be added to a cover letter if further back and associated with current opportunities.

Whether applying directly to a company, consulting, contract or temporary agency, it is often managers, an employee of the human resources department or recruitment specialist with whom the applicant will first have interaction. As such, the most important meeting of the application process is often this first meeting. For, whether interviewing with a manager or specialist, first impressions often last longer when having made an impact on the memory of those providing the interview.

Remember, when preparing a cover letter and resume to send to a recruitment specialist, grammar, spelling, tone and format are all important aspects. When storing cover letters and resumes on job boards, be sure to replace the cover letter based on the job of interest. When asked for references, be sure to provide both character and professional contacts, or as requested in the application or interview process.

Anyone seeking a job online need be aware and cautious of scams. For example, there are currently money laundering, work-at-home and others tied to employment. If scammed, it is important to report the incident to the job board off which the scammer says a resume was found. If possible, it is also a good idea to post a complaint to sites like ScamGuard and others so that others are made aware of the incident.

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