Thursday, March 17, 2016

Getting Into Advanced Helicopter Training

By Brenda Thomas

There are a lot of jobs and hobbies that people enjoy all throughout. You can be one among those people who enjoy swimming or diving and enjoy the ocean, or you can be someone who love to run and walk around to see the nature and the land, or you can be one of the people who find enjoyment in flying. Among the above mentioned, flying requires more intensive kind of training.

In terms of flying, like in helicopters, you must be trained or a pilot for you to be able to drive on it. That is why many people enroll themselves in some basic up to advanced helicopter training. The advanced is the last phase of flight school for Navy and Marine Corps helicopter pilots.

This training generally takes about six months and is divided into ten phases. In these phases, pilots will be taught about the ground school, tactics, familiarization, radio instruments, formation, visual or instrument navigation, basic instruments, low level navigation, night familiarization and trans fams. Local course rules, common instrument scans, emergency procedures, section formation maneuvers and etc. Are learned in these phases.

Usually, students take sixty hours in practice. They should learn the rules and policies, if they are new pilots. They must also learn how to navigate, understand the airspace, talk in the radio, read chars, and fly a helicopter.

Upon choosing an institute for this, you should remember certain factors that you need to consider. Search for a particular institute that offers at least 2 instructors and helicopters. Through this, you will avoid certain problems in terms of unavailability of either of the two in case you only have one each, at least you will have your back ups and you can save time and effort.

The location of the field must also be considered before deciding to enroll in a school. Get to know the reputation of the school first by asking a lot people, or researching through internet and blogs with feedback from people. Facilities that the school operate should also be part of those factors.

You do not need to have any other experience in aviation to get a license. It does not require any prerequisites. In age, you should at least 14 years old for you to start the training, and eighteen years of age to get a commercial license.

For those who take full time in their training, they could take their license in four months. But mostly, commercial students complete their training in around six months. For those who apply on part time, it takes depending on how often you do it or how often you go to school.

Helicopters are slow, expensive and cannot even carry that much unlike airplane, but there are a lot of perks in it such as, the ability to land anywhere, to fly very slow or low, and the chance of enjoying the scenery of a place or area in nice days. They are undeniably challenging and fun, all you have to do is to learn, and find the best location, school, instructors, and facilities that could provide you with the best practice experience.

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