Sunday, January 18, 2015

Learn About The Many Wonderful Health Benefits Of Lavender Oil

By Kristen Baird

Essential oils are natural substances which are recognized for their healing potential. One of the most celebrated of these is lavender oil, with its pleasant scent, it has been given credit for having multiple beneficial effects on the body. It is extracted by steam distillation of the lavender plant's flowers, and can be used topically or inhaled to cleanse the skin, boost circulation, or soothe pain, by itself or along with other essential oils.

Known for its many uses, this potent and versatile is amongst other things a good insect repellent that keeps bloodthirsty pests such as mosquitoes and black flies at bay when one is outdoors, as the scent deters them. In the same vein, it can also be used topically on itchy insect bites, to ease irritation. Some people find that it also helps them sleep more soundly at night, if they just add a few drops of the oil to their pillows before going to bed.

Lavender aromatherapy is purported to have a positive impact on the mental and emotional processes of those who experience it. Inhalation of its crisp, invigorating scent can bring about improvement of issues such as fatigue and migraines, as well as depression and anxiety disorders. Cognitive functioning is also thought to become stronger following its administration.

The antiseptic and antifungal qualities of lavender make it an effective ingredient in many skincare products and it is also safe to apply topically for many skin disorders. It helps heal scars and burns, and inflammatory conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne. Massaging stiff or injured joints and muscles with this oil can also minimize pain and stiffness, and inhaling it after surgery has indicated some alleviation of post-operative pain.

Urinary tract conditions that cause inflammation of the bladder and impaired urine flow and production have shown improvement from lavender inhalation as well. Respiratory illnesses characterized by congestion such as colds, the flu, bronchitis, and sinusitis can also clear up by adding the oil to a vaporizer or rubbing it onto the throat or chest to loosen mucus and restore normal breathing.

Health of the scalp and hair is another way in which this substance can be used effectively. It can kill off head lice, along with their eggs and nits, eliminating infestations, and also helps stimulate hair growth. If applied regularly it is believed to work against the effects of male pattern baldness.

Its use can also improve the circulation of blood, prevent hypertension, and lower the risk of heart attach or arteriosclerosis. Healthy digestion is promoted by it as well, because it stimulates the production of necessary gastric juices and bile, which helps prevent the discomfort of indigestion and gas. Immunity against various infectious diseases is another benefit it provides.

People must realize before they start using lavender essential oil, that even though it is a natural product, it does have some precautions which must be taken in order to ensure safe use. Unless approved by a physician, it is best for pregnant or nursing mothers, and patients with diabetes or hyper-sensitive skin to avoid using it. It cannot be ingested, as this causes adverse side effects, use is strictly limited to aromatherapy or topical application.

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