Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How To Deal When Your Child Goes To College

By Stephanie Luckey

When a parent watches their child graduate from High School there is a sense of accomplishment. You helped your child get through a lot! You've watched them grow into young adults that are on the road to becoming successful members of society. What an amazing feeling. Then, another reality hits you. What are you going to do without them for 3 to 4 years? You just spent all that time helping them navigate the scary road that is childhood. And here they are at adulthood's doorstep. Now they don't need you? Wrong. They need you more than ever for the following reasons.

Within the first few months of college, your child will be meeting hundreds of new people. Most of these people will be from their dorms and come from all over the world and from all walks of life. It is important for your child to understand that they will not get along with all of these new people and it is "okay" to choose your friends and put space between the bad seeds. It is also vital to know who your kids are becoming closer too so you can monitor kids with issues. You don't want to cross lines with telling them who they can and can't talk to but helping them if an issue arises is encouraged.

College kids will see alcohol and drugs. This is the truth. They will all be subject to peer pressure and it is important for them to understand the basics with alcohol consumption.

The opposite sex will show interest in them in a way they have never experienced. They will thus be subject to tough situations they are not used to.

School work will be a plenty. You child will have finals, papers, reading, and more stress than they have ever know. They will have social stress and school stress. This can weigh heavily on a person. They will be looking to you for guidance on how to cope and manage it all.

They will be going through a lot the next few years and will look to you for guidance through it all. They need you more than ever.

Whilst giving them space and freedom make sure they know you are always there for them. They will be taking you up on the offer!

Good luck!


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