Sunday, August 10, 2014

What A Media Buyer New Orleans Does

By Tanisha Berg

In the world of advertising, it is very important to take note of how important a role the media plays. Now in order for the clients to be able to get media space, there has to be someone in the middle who would know how to get the best space at the best kinds of prices. Now this is where the a professional media buyer new orleans would be able to help.

Now the media buyers or buyers are more than just people who would look for good ad space and buy them at a low price from the providers. They are actually implementers of the advertising campaign and would work very closely with the planners in order to implement the plan. Now the planners are the ones who would do the brain work while the buyers would do most of the leg work.

Of course the very first job of the buyer would be to meet with the client and study the product to be promoted. Now the first thing that he would have to do would be to determine the primary target market of the product or service. Of course he will make use of demographics and strategies in order to find the target.

Once they have done this, they now have to decide which type of medium would be best when it comes to reaching out to these people. They can choose from traditional channels like television, print ads, and of course radio. When they have made their choice, they will recommend it to the client and the client will give a go signal to start the campaign.

If ever the client likes the idea, then they would have to formalize it with an official proposal. The proposal would include a short background on the plan as well as an in depth process on how the plan is to be implemented. Of course the proposal also includes a VMS schedule which includes the time wherein the ad will show and how much it takes to get that space.

When the client already approves of the proposal, then the next step is for the buyers to go on to the providers. Now they will be showing the media providers what they need and try to haggle for a good deal. Now buyers are pretty good negotiators as well because they would always want to get the deal for their clients.

So when that is done already, he will now monitor the schedule of each ad and how it is running. He will also be constantly contacting the client to know if the ad campaign is effective. If it does not seem to work, then the buyer may suggest a brand new approach and try out a new strategy.

So if one is interested in becoming a buyer, then these are some of the things that he will have to do. Not only will he be in charge of getting the ad space but he will be in charge of helping create the campaign and implementing it. When that is done, he will also be the one to monitor the progress of the ads.

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