Friday, August 9, 2013

From The End Of 2000 The Price Of Gold Has Increased

By Nolan Marade

Poor policy making and floating currencies are open to instability, but gold's value is independent. The underlying worth of gold is most obvious when a national currency becomes unstable. While a devalued currency can positively impact international competitiveness, it increase the cost of imports and makes the net holdings of bank savings by citizens worth less. Gold then becomes a counter-measure as investors and countries buy gold at spot price to protect themselves from instability.

Why not consider having your own "self managed" fund that includes gold in it - it is not such a complex task to set something like that up nowadays with the help of a good accountant and the plethora of information available to you online. Now is the time to look into gold trading if you're interested in spreading your monetary risk around and removing any large points of risk from your investments. There's the saying, "Failing to plan is like planning to fail." The same thing can be said for investors who buy new assets without considering their overall portfolio mix and thinking strategically before acting.

One of the things that people tend to forget about gold is that is quite rare - it can be found in only five tenths of the earth's outer layer! As soon as it was discovered, probably in streams or creeks as nuggets, gold quickly became a main part of cultures right across the globe. Although ancient civilizations such as the Greeks and Romans used gold and silver coins as money, it was not until the middle ages when countries began to "mint" gold in large quantities. Our attitudes towards gold have not changed much over the centuries, and we still see the metal as "precious". There are many ways that gold in the modern world can be used (it is, for example, a very good conductor of heat and electricity).

There's something to be said for having a diversified portfolio of investments today than having all your eggs in one basket, however a lot of the investment options around at the moment are not looking very palatable. It seems a good idea to have some of your money in a low-risk option, such as the bank or bonds, some medium risk as well as perhaps some riskier but potentially higher yielding ventures. So where to invest your money? Property's looking shaky, the share market is full of bears and it's not worth putting your money in the bank anymore. Maybe it's time to consider one of the oldest and most valuable of all precious metals - gold.

Internationally, it is no longer common for countries to underpin their currency values with gold. Most countries have a floating currency that is underwritten by the promise of the government to pay. There are over ten cases in the last hundred years of fiat currencies that have collapsed due to high debt loads and subsequent inflationary pressures which have resulted in bankrupt economies that struggle for years to get back to some kind of economic normalcy. The US and Roman Empire have both seen fiat currencies fail. In every case, gold was used to restore value to the financial system that had failed.
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