Friday, May 24, 2013

Filipino Maids Abroad

By Alice Sy

There are Filipino maids in practically every country in the world. This comes as no surprise because they are considerably paid higher wages abroad than in the Philippines.

Statue Square, Hong Kong is only one of a thousand places scattered across the globe where the smiles and cheers of Filipino helpers can be seen. It is indeed marvelous to know that domestic helpers from our country are so valued in foreign lands. At times, many have been thinking why Filipino helpers are so treasured in other countries.

Working as Filipino helpers should not be looked upon with disdain and embarrassment. After all, while the job entails many laborious and dirty work, Filipino maidservants are excelling in this kind of business abroad. In fact, they are even admired by their foreign employers because of the quality of service that they render coupled with their honesty, loyalty and sincere dedication to duty.

Filipino helpers have other distinct qualities and characteristics that ultimately give them the upper hand over other maids coming from other countries. For one, only a maid from the Philippines can stand getting up in the wee hours of the morning and sleeping very late at night to do household chores. Also, nobody else but a Filipino servant can bear cleaning the toilet bowls or doing other dirty jobs while still keeping a smile on her face.

Filipino helpers, whether a college graduate or not, are observed to be naturally intelligent and resourceful. They can pick up instructions without further questions. They, too, work hard without supervision. The word workaholic is indeed, due to a Filipino. She'll simply work and work and will only stop if said so by her boss. At times, they can also be feisty. They would even argue with their employer about a certain problem. They also know how to find a way and get out from every trial.

Filipinos are by and large known for their grasp of the English language. They are able to understand English far better than their other counterparts. They can also speak English more fluently. Thus, it is understandable why foreign employers would choose them over maids from other nations.

In the same way, their employers regard them as belonging to their family as well. For many women, this is one way of compensating their yearning for their own children and family members left at home. Because of this habit, it is quite common to see maids from abroad bringing with them albums upon albums of their employers.

But there is more to the name Filipino than being just called a servant. What makes Filipino maids endear to the heart of the world is not actually the physical looks. More than the hard work and dedication, a Filipino works with a full heart, a simple ingredient that no employer has ever found in other nationalities.

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