Thursday, January 10, 2013

Why You Should Use Task Management Software

By Darrel V. Burt

Basecamp users are wide and varied. It is used by managers, entrepreneurs, small business owners, freelancers, homemakers and other professionals to help them manage their tasks in a better, efficient and time saving way. There are several alternatives on offer by different companies if you want a specific feature(s) to fulfill your requirements.

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A basecamp alternative must be a smart collaboration device which makes your numerous tasks easier to handle. Basecamp lacks in certain features like Gantt charts and some other features. These can be counted as limitations of basecamp. Gantt charts are a significant tool to set milestones and track progress. If your project can benefit from Gantt charts then, you musty look for a task management tool which has these features.Project management and task management are two integral components of any entrepreneurial or company functioning. Efficiently accomplished tasks completed on deadlines with active and positive participation from all team members is achieved with the assistance of an online task management tool.

What exactly are users looking for? Most of them are actually looking for a personal organizer application to put some order in their busy and messy life. "In the beginning, I somehow managed to keep everything in my head. Then, as I began to take on more projects, I realized that I needed a task management system to keep me organized and focused." says Deborah Woehr a freelance researcher and writer. These personal organizers generally take the form of the so called "To Do List" applications where users create a list of tasks for which they set a start date, some deadlines and a priority - something very simple.

The Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology Most of the to-do-list applications these days adopt, to one degree or another, the GTD approach to task management according to the work-life management system by David Allen that provides concrete solutions for transforming overwhelm and uncertainty into an integrated system of stress free productivity. Apps vary as to how tightly or loosely bound to GTD they are. The problem, though, with To Do lists and personal organizers is that are only good for your work. Task management or task tracking software is more than just a to-do list. In a business many of the tasks are collaborative and require multiple team members to fulfill several tasks in a single project. In this case you need an application where assignments could be made, all tasks could be tracked, and completed work could be archived. This is a true task management tool. Users sometimes need to manage multiple projects and delegate work to resources, schedule tasks in time or even create plans. This is a further step to an upper level: project management or project planning software.

Why do we need a task management application? Every day we spend most of the time on urgent but low priority tasks while the most important ones get delayed until another day. Unfortunately, that "another day" might never arrive. The famous Pareto principle of 80/20 rule applies here: 80% of most important work gets completed if you try to figure out the 20% of high priority tasks. Basically an effective task management software must give you the best way to find these top 20% of important tasks for a effective project management process. This is a major problem with task management applications: they require too much effort on users part. It is easy to spend too much time on organization, and not enough on getting things done. Too many apps spoil the productivity. Task management apps should flow, should make using them easier than writing things down on a piece of paper.

Therefore, as a result of this, project managers are frequently able to multi-task jobs concurrently nonetheless not get bogged down with the task demands. Handling numerous tasks at one time in reality dissolve the monotony of dealing with one single chore at any stage. This provides a way for the task manager to pull back from all task for a while and then fall back in the following day afresh.Though we must never take or eye off of the complete task, by centering on Task and Project Management, deliberate planning and regularity in how we set about our daily chores, we can quickly increase our personal development without excessively frustrating ourselves or getting stressed on our workload.

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At March 14, 2013 at 4:54 PM , Blogger Brain Dumps said...

Whether you are doing a construction business or services business, there are management software available to record all your necessary data.

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