Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Instructors remain ready at all times because the flight school goes by the legacy of 9-11.

By Thomas Griffin

Ten years after the 9/11 attacks, government screening has made it harder for foreign students to enroll in civilian flight schools as a handful of the hijackers did, banking on America being inviting and a place to learn quickly.

The most labor intensive background checks don't actually apply to every student and teacher, so schools need to be wary of any possible terrorists.

Before 9/11 I wouldn't have posted the FBI agent number for easy access. said Patrick Murphy, director of training at Sunrise Aviation located in Ormond Beach, Florida.

Hundreds of United States Flight schools fiercely compete for students. Students are in high demand by the many different flight schools. Students fly quicker and more frequently in Florida as it is always nice out. The hijackers that carried out the attacks on the Twin Towers were looking for United States flight schools were due to their brief training periods.

9/11 hijackers were in Florida Flight Schools before the bombing. The hijacking perpetrators were Mohamed Atta, Marwan al Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah who all took pilot training; the first 2 at Huffman Aviation and the 3rd at a nearby private pilot school.

Although, terrorists perform badly and have bad, they still managed to receive their licenses and/or certifications.

The United States commission that investigated the attacks said in its report that Atta and Shehhi quickly took solo flights and passed a private pilot airman test. At another school where they signed up later, the training instructor flagged the two for their abrasiveness and aggression, noting that they sometimes tried to seize the controls during training flights. They did not pass an exam on instrument rating. They went straight back to Huffman with no reservations. At the same time, Jarrah attained a private pilot license for single-engined planes.

Hani Hanjour studied in Arizona for his private license to pilot a plane and got it within three months. Several more months of training yielded a commercial pilot certificate, issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. He began training on a simulator for the Boeing 737 by the beginning of 2001. An instructor found his work substandard and advised him to quit, but he continued and finished the training just 5 months before the attacks, the commission said.

Now, it would not be as easy for the men to get into a U.S. flight institutions.

There is a stricter visa process for foreign students seeking flight training in the U.S They are unable to begin until the TSA is created after September. Air travel, uses a fingerprint-initiated background check- with the FBI"s assistance, to run their name against terrorist watch lists. Every year, TSA agents visit certified flight schools, they verify students' identities and make sure that their visas have not expired.

In addition, TSA gives its found information to other governmental organizations and also has layers of security created to catch criminals before they can act and do harm even if they managed to receive flight instruction in the U.S..

The new admissions measures for flight school are not consistent and fool-proof.

There happens to be a large number of flight teachers who have access to planes and simulators as well that are not always checked upon by the TSA every year and are only subject to inspections at random.

The TSA compiles a database of all the student pilots, and this is maintained with the FAA.

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