Sunday, September 25, 2011

Looking For Where To Discover Pepper Spray Shop In Pasadena Led Me To The Mace Pepper Gun

By Ernii A De La Cruz

An ex-girlfriend located new digs for me in Colorado Blvd. since I was to begin work at Old Town in a cinema. She reminded me, though, that the Rose Bowl swarm could get tricky. It escaped neither of us that December was just around the corner.

Lara advised me to look into Where to find pepper spray store in Pasadena prior to New Year's Eve. Because more job opportunities were open for me, I moved to this city from downtown Los Angeles.

We arranged to go around in the course of a weekend. I reckoned that she might have an idea where to find pepper spray store in Pasadena. I really did think to steel myself for late nights on the job.

The Mace Pepper Gun that I discovered during our search appealed to me more than any other defense sprays. It came naturally to me to hold its gun-type container with ease, so I would not bobble it when confronted by an assaulter.

A store clerk pointed out that blue/black, pink, blue and silver are the color options for the Mace Pepper Gun. However, not all were in stock at the time. Lara insisted that we move to another street where to find pepper spray store in Pasadena.

The Mace Pepper Gun utilizes Bag-in-a-Can technology to capitalize on a modern delivery system of curbing a threat. Composed of 28 grams of a strong OC pepper formulation, it takes effect from 25 feet away.

Knowing now where to find pepper spray store in Pasadena, we happened upon a more well-informed shop girl. She explained that the trigger initiates a LED light, which aids in aiming the Mace Pepper Gun at the target with better precision.

As we also found, each unit is provided with a pepper gun dispenser, one 28 gram OC cartridge that comprises up to 7 25-foot blasts, one water test cartridge and batteries to make the LED light work.

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