Short Term Health Insurance For Unemployed
As discovered during the recent debate about healthcare reform, there is an unexpected voice in the growing group of young American who do not have health insurance. Young adults in the 18-29 age group are increasingly reporting that they don't have health insurance. This group includes those who are not employed or who are employed but facing long wait time times before they can get insurance from their employer. For young adults facing these challenges, short term health insurance can be a great way to protect against high medical costs.
Being in college, working in unpaid internships or even being employed as a contract worker can result in a lack of available healthcare options for many young people. Short term health insurance is often the safest way to guarantee medical coverage in case of emergency.
Traditional health insurance plans can vary in the costs and fees associated with them. Plans offered by an employer are typically paid for on a monthly basis, with the cost being deducted directly from the insured person's paycheck.
For those who are not employed, there are individual plans which can be costly and often more limited in coverage. These can be a rather expensive option for a student who is struggling with bills.
Short term health insurance is a good alternative to costly premiums and high deductibles. These plans are purchased for short periods of time and don't require employee sponsorship. Although the costs are paid for by the insured person, they are often lower than paying for a traditional long-term health insurance plan.
It's important for young people to realize that health insurance coverage is just as important for them as for their parents. Whether someone has been injured in an accident or illness, Short term health insurance in an effective way to manage health costs and medical care.
The best way to find the right short term insurance plan for you is to research several of the companies that offer them. Find out how much a plan costs and about any limitation and restrictions that may be included.
Understanding a short term health insurance plan ahead of time can save time down the road should you become injured or sick. Protecting one's self is the best way to insure a healthy and happy future.